Are you having problems in your relationship/marriage?

  • You feel disconnected, distant, and misunderstood.

  • You can't seem to communicate and get on the same page.

  • You just want to be heard instead of given quick fixes.

  • You try to help but your partner gets frustrated with you.

  • You don't seem to be understanding each other anymore.

  • You're snapping at each other instead of communicating and connecting.

  • Your sex life is unsatisfying or non-existent.

  • You feel lonely even when you're with the other person.

Couples counseling can help you get on the same page, communicate better and feel closer again.

It can be really painful to not feel connected in our relationships/marriage. I help couples reconnect with each other, so they can have that friend and companion they have been yearning for instead of feeling lonely and frustrated. If you both are willing to work on yourself and how you communicate and respond to each other, therapy can help you feel closer to each other again and be a team to tackle life’s challenges together. Life is just easier when you feel like you’re on the same page again.

My practice is completely online and I can help couples from all over Oklahoma. I meet with couples for 1 hour and 15 minutes to make sure both partners have adequate time to share their perspective and learn the skills to improve communication and connection. Insurance only covers the first hour, so the couple will pay $41.25 out of pocket for the additional 15 minutes.

My favorite relationship books:

If you're committed to working on making your relationship better and feel ready to reconnect with each other, contact me by completing the form below: